Dr. Scott Young’s Response to the QFS
by Dr. Scott Young
The Quantum Financial System, QFS, is a decentralized ledger system that is hundreds of times faster than the SWIFT system used by central banks. It deletes the need for the central banks and the Federal Reserve to move/control your money. Everyone will be in the QFS because it will be your access to your money and your accounts. It’s NOT the Mark of the Beast, and you WON’T have to swear allegiance to the Anti-Christ because he’s not here yet. It’s like your credit report with your bank accounts and your IRAs put together that only YOU can access and not the banks, and you will control your money within the QFS system.
After researching the Quantum Financial System, Dr. Scott Young has compiled this download to explain the concepts of QFS and some specifics on how it will likely affect your life in the United States.